jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Develop Chrome Extensions IV

Some days ago i wrote how test your extensions.
Well I was planned to explain how to autoupdating your extension, so i have been trying to do it and I can not get it.
The problem has been very simple, has been imposible to get a hosting where locate a crx file to allow google chrome download the updated file.

Well, there is a solution for that. If you want your users get automatically your updates, you can upload the extension to the Chrome Market.
If you decide that you must to consider two important things

  1. first time to upload something you must pay 3,85€ or 5$
  2. you must to start to publish your extension as test.
The second one is very important.
Let´s see: if you upload an bad product and you recibe a poor puntation, in the future you will be curtailed to be a good creator.
I recomend you to publish your extension when you will be  sure that it is a good product.

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